Bon Pastor is part of Sant Andreu district of Barcelona. It is a neighborhood of big contrasts. From one side – there is part that was built in late 20’ as ‘Casas Baratas’. Indeed, those houses look relatively poor and temporarily. They are really small semi-detached bungalows, customized by current inhabitations by ‘outstanding’ color or added storey. But for me the ‘Casas Baratas’ neighborhood in Bon Pastor has it specific charm – it look a little bit like huts for dwarfs :)

For the other side – there is new part of Bon Pastor, which has developed lately with plenty of few-stroey housing investments which are very modern. I think that it happens because of good communication which is provide by new Bon Pastor subway station since April 2010.

These kind of changes – new residential investments adjacent to old neighborhood - also take places in Warsaw, in areas nearby the newest subway stations like Młociny or Wawrzyszew.