To tell the truth, for me this district was most hard thing to consider and to understand. In Tokyo, we do not have something really that we can call slums. Maybe because we do not have other country people living a lot.
La Mina was a district that I could feel the difference from another barrios. I cannot imagine exactly what it was like before this, but watching the films of the project, I could tell how big the problem was and how big the expanding was.
Only seeing this kind of residence area was not really surprising thing for me. This kind of residence area exists in my city. But that is because we do not have much spaces and we need to build it huge for a lot of people. Though, in my city this is not for the slums. Considering about the extent, for me it seemed to be a very large project. I could understand that they prepared a very big intervals between the residence and made the open spaces clear. And a big public green space also.
The people seemed to like the place by the atmosphere, and still I could not really imagine perfectly, but planning of some areas like this will be important thing for a compact city like Barcelona.
In Tokyo, as I wrote at the first, I am not close to these area and we are not really used to do some project like this. Which is not really a good thing. Because after seeing the case in La Mina I felt weird that Tokyo is not having these problems. I am sure that there are some people like slums exist but only the fashionable Tokyo is always closed up. But here I can show some examples which I think it is close to La Mina.
Sanya is in the district Taito in Tokyo. It is an area of crowded, cheap rooming houses where day laborers live. Here, the day laborers do not have there own houses. They stay at the really cheap hostels everynight. So it will be better to say they are “living” in the hostels. These hosetels are very cheap and old. For example in the photo below, it is said you can stay for a night with paying around 7€. So most of them decide to stay there for a long time. With this we can see these hostels are changing to be their houses. And I think without them, these cheap hostels cannot survive neither. And type of the residence is very small and low-rise buildings.
For them the government has not supported them a lot, and we do not have a big projects like La Mina. They earn the money by helding a festival by themselves.
Even the case is not very serious comparing to the other countries, I think my country, my city is dull with these problems. And doing anything will never the situation better. Maybe Japan needs to think more about the residential problems like these.